
校友会将表彰四名湖人球员 期间对社区或职业有重大贡献 Homecoming week.

Recipients are detailed below. The Distinguished 校友、青年校友、杰出员工和杰出教育家 awards will be presented October 27. 

Shannon Cohen '00 & '11, Distinguished Alumni Award

The Distinguished Alumni Award is presented to an 在他们选择的职业中出类拔萃的人 成就对社会产生积极的影响,并得到正面的评价 themselves, their community and Grand Valley.

Shannon Cohen, a first-generation college student, 2000年毕业,获国际学士学位 2011年获得公共关系硕士学位 administration. As the founder and CEO of Shannon Cohen Inc., she 开发定制的情商,公平和健康 trainings for organizations such as Procter & Gamble and Steelcase. 

Shannon Cohen standing outside in Black dress
香农·科恩将获得杰出校友奖. Cohen is the founder and CEO of Shannon Cohen Inc.
Image credit - Kendra Stanley-Mills

她鼓舞人心的产品线,坚韧的皮肤,柔软的心, 特色贺卡在全国各地的零售商都可以买到, including Target and Meijer. This year she partnered with GVSU's 校友供应商多元化计划给她带来希望 products to the GVSU Laker Store. Cohen is also the founder of the 全球摇滚明星女性早午餐体验,每年为数千名女性提供服务.

In 2023, Cohen received the "Woman of Courage" award from Michigan Women Forward. In 2022, she was 被《博天堂官方》杂志评为“年度杰出女性” Magazine. Cohen是Corewell的董事会成员 健康基金会,大急流城经济俱乐部,GVSU中心 Entrepreneurship and Innovation, and GROW.

Nicki Bonczyk '14, Young Alumni Award

青年校友奖颁发给应届毕业生 谁对社会做出了杰出的贡献,又是谁 成就和事业反映了他们自己的优点 community and Grand Valley.

Nicki Bonczyk是JR公司的工程入职主管 自动化部门,负责监督入职和培训 experience for JR's 11 North American locations. 

She graduated in 2014 with a bachelor's degree in 产品设计和制造并开始在JR工作 GVSU co-op education program. In her role at JR, Bonczyk connects 与GVSU在校学生和校友合作,并支持他们的学业 engineering journeys.

Nicki Bonczyk posing in a hallway in a blue dress
Nicki Bonczyk will receive the Young Alumni Award. Bonczyk is an JR Automation的工程入职主管,并活跃于FIRST Robotics.
Image credit - Kendra Stanley-Mills

自2019年以来,她一直担任活动和志愿者 GVSU的FIRST机器人活动协调员,她在那里招募新兵 数十名毕业生自愿参加这个项目. In 2017, 她是“前进”奖国家杰出女性获奖者 in the field of manufacturing. Bonczyk also volunteers with the Grand Haven音乐喷泉和美国癌症协会 组织生命接力和西密歇根农场到餐桌活动.

Chris Barbee '88, Outstanding Staff Award

杰出员工奖颁发给一名大员工 谷州立大学的工作人员谁有显著 impact on the life and careers of alumni. 

Chris Barbee graduated with a bachelors degree in broadcasting in 1988. He started his career at West Michigan Public 作为WGVU-AM/FM广播电台的新闻和体育记者 WGVU-WGVK-TV《博天堂官方网页》的制片人兼主持人. In 1994, he took a new role as press secretary to U.S. Rep. Vern Ehlers in Washington, D.C. In 2002, Barbee returned to Grand Valley to serve as the director of GVSU Alumni Relations. 

Chris Barbee posing in blue shirt
Chris Barbee将获得杰出员工奖. Barbee is the 前校友关系主任,现为 位于北卡罗来纳州夏洛特市的莱文新南方博物馆.
Image credit - Edgar Marcano

During two decades as director, Barbee oversaw the 发展创新的校友活动和项目,包括: “为子孙后代铺路:非洲人的故事” 《博天堂官方》获得了奖项 来自教育促进及支援委员会.

Barbee是Levine的开发总监 位于北卡罗来纳州夏洛特市的新南方博物馆.

Neal Buckwalter, Outstanding Educator Award

杰出教育家奖颁发给教师 对校友的生活和事业有重大影响的成员.

Neal Buckwalter, associate professor of public 他热衷于将学生与学习联系起来 创造更美好未来的经验和机会 themselves, their families and their communities. Buckwalter 2002年毕业于杨百翰大学,获学士学位 社会学学位,并于2004年获得公共学硕士学位 administration degree. After working in local government 在行政管理方面,他获得了公共事务博士学位 Indiana University.

尼尔·巴克沃尔特,公共管理副教授,将会 获校友会颁发杰出教育工作者奖.
Image credit - Kendra Stanley-Mills

Buckwalter joined Grand Valley's faculty in 2012. He 担任公共管理硕士的主任 项目和GVSU国际的指导老师 市/县管理协会学生分会,屡获殊荣 学生组织,将参与者与专业人士联系起来 opportunities in local government. 

Buckwalter serves as president of the Grand Rapids 耶稣基督后期圣徒教会密歇根支联会. 他自愿在童子军当了五年的童子军团长 of America.

